Little Donkey Méxican Restaurant 4.5/5 Star

Price Range: $$ | Cuisine: Mexican

Little Donkey Méxican Restaurant Reviews

Overall Rating

Little Donkey Méxican Restaurant has an overall rating of 4.5 stars based on 14 user reviews.

4.5 Stars

Random User Reviews

Yummy food and one of the best restaurant in my town!
Rating: 5 Stars
Not great
My waiter was more interested in her phone that her tip i guess. Food was ok but sorry, not going back!
Rating: 2 Stars
Nothing better than a COLD beverage
Thank you for the awesome family experience!
Rating: 4 Stars
Awesome Food!
I highly recommend. This place is great. Awesome staff and killer food.
Rating: 5 Stars
WOW! Yum
Heard different things but super surprised and will be going back soon
Rating: 4 Stars

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